“Out of the quarrel with others we make rhetoric; out of the quarrel with ourselves we make poetry.” – W.B. Yeats

About Me...

Hi! I'm Evita. I'm a poet based in Yerevan. My poetry has been published in several literary journals, including 'A New Ulster', 'Pulp Poets' Press', and 'Grand Little Things'. My poem 'The Memory of a Star', published in 'The Sparks of Calliope', has been nominated for the 2022 Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net Anthology. Four of my poems are scheduled to appear in 'Eunoia Review' in August.
Another fact about me would be that I am passionate about teaching. I teach a variety of courses, including, of course, Creative Writing. I have moderated a number of Poetry Workshops in Yerevan, including one hosted by NPAK (ACCEA).
Finally, I have recently begun performing my poetry, as well, and have won an honourable mention in the 'One Square Metre' Festival (hosted by NPAK), due to the emotive quality of my delivery. Performing poetry is an area to which I am relatively new, but which I find myself enjoying immensely.

*I hope to update this bio in October, once I have completed my MA in Creative Writing 🙂

About My Work

I have been writing poetry for the better part of my life.  However, since you could, quite successfully, blackmail me with the poems written in my childhood and teenage years, these poems are strictly confidential! Perhaps a few words about those that aren’t:

I write mostly in free verse, but free verse isn’t all you’ll find reading my work…after all, who doesn’t turn to the refrains of a villanelle when ruminating about life? And who doesn’t, after all is said and done, seek a quiet walk along the shores of a sonnet? Or perhaps in the folds of a sestina? 

As for subject matter, I write about all that inspires me: could be love, nature, gender equality, poetry itself, language, or even something as taken-for-granted as a kettle…or even a sewing kit!

In sharing my work with you, it is my first and foremost desire to speak of all that I see in this life that is perfectly imperfect, haphazardly beautiful, and also, given our combined voices, capable of being a little less broken, a little more unique.

Contact Me!

Yes, please do! I will be delighted to receive your comments and ideas. After all, my work really begins once you read it, and grows with your individual interpretation. I would recommend reading ‘Is There A Text In This Class’ by Stanley Fish, if you’d like to toy with the idea of readers as the real writers of texts!

So, without further ado, here are my two email addresses:



You may read some of my work in my blog:

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